Post by Entendance on Oct 31, 2020 2:37:59 GMT -5
December 8, 2020:
Lunedì, 9 novembre 2020
"...se la cortigianeria di capi di Stato e segretari di partito fa parte del trito copione della Sinistra mondiale, lasciano francamente sconcertati le dichiarazioni della Conferenza Episcopale Americana, immediatamente rilanciate da VaticanNews, che con inquietante strabismo si ascrive il merito di aver sostenuto «il secondo Presidente cattolico della storia degli Stati Uniti», dimenticando il non trascurabile dettaglio che Biden è un accanito abortista, un sostenitore dell’ideologia LGBT e del globalismo anticattolico. L’Arcivescovo di Los Angeles José H. Gomez, profanando la memoria dei martiri Cristeros del suo paese natale, sentenzia lapidario: «The American people have spoken», il popolo americano ha parlato. Poco importano i brogli denunciati e ampiamente provati: la fastidiosa formalità del voto popolare, ancorché adulterata in mille modi, va considerata conclusa a favore del portabandiera del pensiero unico.
Abbiamo letto, non senza conati di vomito, i post di James Martin s.j. e di tutta quella schiera di cortigiani che scalpitano per salire sul carro di Biden per condividerne l’effimero trionfo..."
"There is probably no pope in history who has been so disliked than the current Pope Francis. He is clearly a communist and full on board with the Great Reset. This Pope is a real disgrace..." More here
Post by Entendance on Dec 11, 2020 15:24:57 GMT -5
We are Chicago’s Jesuit, Catholic University"It seems as if the election theft was gamed out in advance in the Loyola University Law Journal" -Paul Craig Roberts
"...When Pope Francis compared the Holy Family’s trip to Bethlehem to international migrants, a number of attentive social media users pointed out that Joseph and Mary were not immigrants in Bethlehem, but were, in fact, returning to Joseph’s hometown of Bethlehem to be counted and taxed as Roman subjects. Others noted the houses in Bethlehem were not “closed,” but were full because of the large number of citizens returning to their ancestral home for the imperial census. Pope Francis has made immigration a central plank of his papal platform, encouraging nations to be more inviting to migrants, while asserting that a failure to welcome migrants is rooted in selfishness and fueled by “populist rhetoric.”
"...Throughout the Western World those who try to stand up for the national racial ethnicities from which the name of the countries comes—whether English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Swedish—are demonized as “nativists” or “nationalists,” words that mean racist, Nazi or Fascist, and suppressed. No Western country has a ruling party that represents the white ethnicity that gives the country its name. In Germany, Britain, France, Italy, Sweden, and elsewhere the ruling party represents immigrant-invaders and maintains an open borders policy. In the US the Democrat party is committed to open borders.Illegals even vote in US presidential elections.
White people are a people abandoned by their own governments that their own votes put into power. Nowhere in the Western World are the young and the immigrant-invaders being enculturated into Western civilization. Diversity, multiculturalism, and the special legal privileges of “preferred minorities” are gradually achieving the goal of erasing “whiteness.” The decades old chant of brainwashed university students—“Western civ has to go”— is being achieved."
Post by Entendance on Jan 1, 2021 6:33:33 GMT -5
2021...he's still there, lol
Post by Entendance on Jan 4, 2021 12:46:30 GMT -5
"The National Pulse is publishing the interview – which primarily concerns the Catholic Church, the deep state, and the key actors involved – without edits"
"...Bergoglio’s subservience to the globalist agenda is obvious, as well as his active support for the election of Joe Biden. In the same way, Bergoglio’s hostility to Trump and his repeated attacks against the President are evident. It is clear that Bergoglio considers Trump as his principal adversary, the obstacle that needs to be removed so that the Great Reset can be put in motion. Thus on the one hand we have the Trump administration and the traditional values that it holds in common with those of Catholics; on the other hand, we have the deep state of the self-styled Catholic Joe Biden, who is subservient to the globalist ideology and its perverse, anti-human, antichristic, infernal agenda. In order to put an end to the deep church and restore the Catholic Church, the extent of the involvement of the leaders of the Church with the Masonic-globalist project will have to be revealed: the nature of the corruption and crimes that these men have carried out, thereby making themselves vulnerable to blackmail, just as happens in a similar way in the political field to members of the deep state, beginning with Biden himself. Thus it is to be hoped that any proof of such crimes that are in the possession of the Secret Services would be brought to light, especially in relation to the true motives that led to the resignation of Benedict XVI and the conspiracies underlying the election of Bergoglio, thereby permitting the expulsion of the mercenaries who have seized control of the Church. American Catholics still have time to denounce this global subversion and stop the establishment of the New Order: let them think about what sort of future they want for the coming generations, and of the destruction of society. Let them think about the responsibility that they have before God, their children, and their nation: as Catholics, as fathers and mothers of their families, and as patriots..."
Globalism, Globalists, Gesuiti, Jesuits, Bergoglio Sociopaths, Into The Mind Of A Psychopath, Eurabia, banksters: here
Post by Entendance on Jan 9, 2021 11:40:51 GMT -5
<A national disgrace and the inevitable result of the endless lies about the election spread by @realdonaldtrump and his supporters. Here we see the fruit of these lies, these sins: anger, hatred, discord, despair and violence. "And by their fruits you will know them" (Mt 7:20)>
In case you missed it, here
Post by Entendance on Jan 17, 2021 13:22:29 GMT -5
2021: the globalist storm is here
Massive Migrant Caravan From Honduras Busts Through Guatemala Border en Route to US
Post by Entendance on Jan 20, 2021 11:20:15 GMT -5
Post by Entendance on Jan 31, 2021 5:57:53 GMT -5
Macron, Conte, De Mistura, Biden, Jerome Powell, Clinton, Fauci, Monti, Draghi, Ciampi, Van Rompuy, Barroso, Rutelli, Mattarella, DeGennaro, Fassino, Padellaro, De Rita***Abete ,Montezemolo & tanti altri***We are all Jesuits
Post by Entendance on Feb 2, 2021 18:00:59 GMT -5
The Entendance Beach, Miles Ahead.
The Jesuit Order controls a worldwide network of schools, colleges, universities, seminaries, etc. This global network of Jesuit institutions is, in reality, a cover for a massive network of training centers that are used to let the Jesuits groom/indoctrinate/make-contact-with promising individuals, so that they can get them to positions of power in exchange for their obedience. Many top movers and shakers have been trained by the Jesuits and that is how they came into contact with the Order that they now are completely controlled by.
QUOD ERAT DEMOSTRANDUM: they did it. *** hereCOME VOLEVASI DIMOSTRARE Ce qu’il fallait démontrer что и требовалось доказать
Como queríamos demostrar Was zu beweisen war
Como eu ia dizendo
Post by Entendance on Feb 13, 2021 12:04:31 GMT -5
14 febbraio 2021:
"...L’ha abbandonato innanzitutto la Nuova Chiesa, nell’epilogo drammatico di questi ultimi otto anni, conseguenziale ad un’opera di distruzione del Cristianesimo che la Massoneria ha perseguito per secoli. L’ha abbandonato lo Stato, che si sta ora organizzando – con il Governo presieduto da Mario Draghi – a rendere conto dei suoi piani di isolamento, di distanziamento sociale delle persone e di stravolgimento di tutti gli assetti che conoscevamo della vita sociale ed economica, in risposta a quanto chiede l’elite globalista e tenendo presente la riunione di questa primavera di Davos, che avrà per titolo il “Grande Reset” e l'”agenda” che dovrà essere implementata entro il 2030.C’è una convergenza agghiacciante tra Chiesa e Stato, in questa rottura del “patto con l’eterno...”
When everyone gathers on one side of a ship, the vessel sinks, and everybody drowns: 2021 Italia Down
Post by Entendance on Feb 26, 2021 5:34:09 GMT -5
Post by Entendance on Mar 5, 2021 6:17:56 GMT -5
"...Gli Italiani, indotti alla soggezione e alla servitù dal martellamento dei media e da un’operazione di manipolazione delle masse, sono stati ancor più obbedienti di altre Nazioni apparentemente più disciplinate: mentre nelle nostre città qualche politico raccomanda il distanziamento sociale durante timide manifestazioni di protesta, in molti Paesi europei i cittadini scendono in piazza spontaneamente e fronteggiano la repressione violenta delle forze dell’ordine con determinazione. Mentre la nostra “opposizione” si scandalizza per l’inefficienza del commissario Arcuri nella distribuzione dei vaccini, all’estero gruppi di avvocati e medici ne denunciano la pericolosità e si oppongono all’obbligo vaccinale, ottenendo che le stesse autorità ne vietino la distribuzione. E se c’è chi viola per esasperazione norme palesemente illegittime, in Italia è criticato come irresponsabile proprio da coloro che, non fosse che per calcolo politico, dovrebbero cavalcare la rivolta e dimostrare quanto sia assurdo chiudere le attività commerciali in assenza di evidenze scientifiche che legittimino l’adozione di misure così drastiche.
Mario Draghi rappresenta la quintessenza della tirannide del Nuovo Ordine, nella sua cinica competenza, nella professionalità della sua azione devastatrice, nell’efficienza dei suoi funzionari. E non stupisce che egli sia stato educato, come Joe Biden e tanti altri leader globalisti, alla scuola ideologica dei Gesuiti. Non stupisce, ed anzi non avrebbe potuto essere altrimenti: solo una struttura fortemente gerarchica e quasi militare poteva manipolare le giovani coscienze di intere generazioni, con diabolica lungimiranza, preparando l’avvento di una società tirannica e disumana. L’abbiamo visto in Italia, ben prima del Sessantotto, quando i professori universitari salutavano con scomposto entusiasmo l’elezione di Roncalli, amico del modernista Bonaiuti, ben sapendo come la sua apparente bonomia nascondesse una mente avvelenata dalle dottrine combattute da San Pio X e ancora avversate da Pio XII fin sul letto di morte. L’abbiamo visto negli Atenei di mezza Europa e nelle Università cattoliche americane, da cui sono usciti i protagonisti del Vaticano II e del postconcilio, gli agit-prop del Movimento Studentesco e dei sindacati di sinistra, i terroristi delle Brigate Rosse e gli ideologi della Teologia della Liberazione, i teorizzatori della liberazione sessuale, del divorzio e dell’aborto. Potremmo affermare che negli ultimi decenni non si sia avuto alcun evento politico, sociale, culturale e religioso che non abbia trovato un potente ispiratore nei Gesuiti. I quali, dopo aver rinnegato il giuramento e i voti pronunciati il giorno della loro Professione, hanno messo a disposizione del nuovo padrone la loro rete di relazioni e la loro capacità di infiltrare i propri emissari nei posti chiave della politica, dell’amministrazione pubblica, dell’istruzione, della cultura, dei media, dell’imprenditoria e della finanza. Una rete che replica, forse con maggior efficienza e incisività, quella non meno eversiva delle sette massoniche e delle conventicole di cospiratori..."
Post by Entendance on Mar 15, 2021 14:28:41 GMT -5
"Rendez à César ce qui est à César et à Dieu ce qui est à Dieu"... Je suis convaincue que de nombreux croyants seraient ravis que le Pape s'occupe de ce qui se passe dans les églises plutôt que dans les urnes. Que chacun fasse ce pour quoi il est destiné. MLP
Marine Le Pen slammed Pope Francis for welcoming migrants and attacked the Catholic Church for meddling in French politics.
...Vous souhaitez renvoyer les religions dans la sphère privée. Vous leur déniez donc le droit de s’exprimer dans le débat public ? M. L. P. : Laissons à Dieu ce qui est à Dieu et à César ce qui est à César. La Conférence des évêques de France se mêle parfois de ce qui ne la regarde pas, notamment en donnant des instructions politiques. Moi je ne me mêle pas de ce que le pape doit dire à ses fidèles, je ne pense pas que les religions doivent dire aux Français ce qu’ils doivent voter. Quel est votre rapport personnel à la religion ? M. L. P. : Je suis extrêmement croyante et j’ai la chance de ne jamais avoir douté. Mais c’est vrai, je suis fâchée avec l’Église dont je pense qu’elle se mêle de tout sauf de ce qui la concerne. J’ai trouvé que dans certaines circonstances personnelles, elle avait manqué de compassion. Cela ne veut pas dire que je n’ai pas de respect pour certains religieux que je rencontre. Inviterez-vous le pape, si vous êtes élue ? M. L. P. : Avec grand plaisir. Et je lui dirai exactement ce que je viens de vous dire. Qu’il en appelle à la charité, à l’accueil de l’autre, de l’étranger ne me choque pas. Mais la charité ne peut être qu’individuelle. Qu’il exige des États qu’ils aillent à l’encontre de l’intérêt des peuples en ne mettant pas des conditions à l’accueil d’une migration importante relève pour moi de la politique et même de l’ingérence, puisqu’il est aussi le chef d’un État. ***Marine Le Pen : « La priorité nationale, ce n’est ni illégal ni immoral »
Esiste un modo veloce per farli annaspare, come a Milano nel 1848 con il boicottaggio del tabacco austriaco: oro e argento, da acquistare e tenere fisicamente fuori dal loro sistema bancario. E.
Post by Entendance on Mar 20, 2021 6:01:59 GMT -5
The Jesuit priest who officiated then-President-elect Joe Biden’s inaugural Mass — and has been a family friend for almost 15 years — is under investigation for unspecified allegations and is now on leave from his position as president of Santa Clara University in California, according to the college.
Post by Entendance on Apr 7, 2021 10:53:05 GMT -5
Video shows children who just crossed border being crammed into back of truck by Catholic Charities.
Post by Entendance on Apr 9, 2021 5:59:32 GMT -5
Passing the time... "...E’ altamente probabile che in quell’incontro proprio (il gesuita) Martini possa aver “consigliato” a Ratzinger di dimettersi palesando un’offensiva molto forte dei progressisti contro di lui). In più resta da chiarire perché Benedetto XVI sia rimasto in Vaticano, continui a vestire di bianco, continui a firmarsi “sommo pontefice”, si sia ritagliato il ruolo di “papa emerito” figura mai esistita nella storia della Chiesa e non abbia mai voluto chiarire pubblicamente i motivi della sua rinuncia, né rispondere mai in maniera diretta alle obiezioni circa l’illegittimità delle sue dimissioni..." Il Problema è il Vaticano II, più che i Due Papi Coesistenti
Nihil est sine auctoritate
"The Vatican's forthcoming conference on global health will host a celebrity lineup of highly controversial speakers who promote abortion, pansexuality, Hindu Vedic meditation, New Age spirituality, alternative medicine and yoga, alongside credible medical experts. The presenters include health and happiness guru Deepak Chopra, Buddhist evangelist Thupten Jinpa, Sufi spiritualist Asim Yusuf, Aerosmith lead guitarist Joe Perry, Mormon Elder William K. Jackson, self-declared atheist psychologist Paul Bloom and pro-abortionist Chelsea Clinton. ("We're all jesuits!") The Vatican has also invited Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla and Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel — both pharmaceutical companies manufacturing the COVID-19 experimental vaccines — as well as chief medical advisor to the U.S. president and lockdown zealot Dr. Anthony Fauci..."
"Il Papa: condividere la proprietà non è comunismo, è cristianesimo allo stato puro La condivisione è cristiana quando è volontaria, non imposta attraverso la fame e la miseria (occorre dirlo?) Non ci stupiremo: Bergoglio si fa propagandista ancora una volta del progetto dell’Agenda 2030 del World Economic Forum dei miliardari di Davos..."
11 Aprile 2021
The Entendance Beach & The Narcissists
Into the Mind of a Psychopath Chapter XIII
"...Narcissistic sociopaths defy all forms of treatment and cannot be reformed. They have no concrete personality beyond these traits, therefore, if you remove the traits, they are left with nothing else. They are almost anti-human; while most people are born with unique personality combinations, narcissistic sociopaths have none, so they mimic the personalities of those around them, mirroring behaviors and collecting or stealing quirks.
Their primary drives are to fulfill their fantasies of superiority and godhood, as well as an endless quest to satiate their dopamine addiction. The more deviant the action, and the more successful they are at getting away with it, the more dopamine they generate and the more satisfied they feel. This leads to an endless cycle, seeking out more and more exploitation of others which becomes less and less satisfying, which leads to even greater deviance.
I came to realize in my studies that these characteristics described almost exactly the observable behaviors of globalists. The difference being that globalists were so high functioning that they had actually built a society of narcissistic sociopaths that operated like a kind of cult, or a corporate entity. The only other historic example I could compare it to would be the mob, or other gangs which have blended into the surrounding normal society and operated in their midst.
I do not know if a society of narcissistic sociopaths with its own tribal customs, mythologies and beliefs has ever been recorded before. While psychopathic people have been known in the past to organize into groups for mutual benefit, the globalists are something different. They are an anomaly; a well maintained culture of parasites that has blended almost seamlessly within normal society in order to feed off of non-psychopathic and empathetic people. The best fictional representation I can think of is the vampire. They are so similar I sometimes wonder if folklore creatures like vampires were based on narcissistic sociopaths as a way to warn people of their presence.
Globalists are indeed a culture, a secretive and occult phenomenon that wants so badly to be recognized and worshiped, but fears public scrutiny. Their motivation at bottom is to condition or tear down normal, moral and free society until it becomes a place in which they can openly be what they really are without fear of judgment or consequences. They want to terraform civilization and make it a habitat that will accept them; a habitat for monsters surrounded by willing victims." How To Identify A Globalist Criminal
Globalism Globalists Sociopaths Into The Mind Of A Psychopath
Post by Entendance on May 4, 2021 4:52:27 GMT -5
Post by Entendance on May 18, 2021 10:19:44 GMT -5
The Truth, when you finally chase it down, is almost always far worse than your darkest visions and fears. -Hunter S. Thompson
22 Maggio 2021
Come la Chiesa di Bergoglio Pianifica il Futuro con le Élites Mondiali. E lo Dice.
"Di cosa c'è più da meravigliarsi, dopo l'imbastardimento della Pontificia Accademia per la vita?"
Post by Entendance on May 25, 2021 3:10:23 GMT -5
August 11, 2021
An anagram for Dr Anthony Fauci is China Fraud Tony
Ben Garrison: Don’t just Fire Fauci- Lock Him Up
Fauci reverses himself again, says double masking for COVID-19 doesn't 'make a difference'
"...Fauci and his peers all over the globe simply ignored the science. And replaced it with something that *they* called “the science”. Which they can do because they have degrees and are considered scientists. And are in a position to crowd out other scientists. Just vitamin D, zinc, ivermectin and HCQ. They wouldn’t perhaps have prevented and solved every single case, but the burden on society would have been so much less. And the deaths. And the misery..." Criminal COVID Negligence
May 12, 2020
Daniel Lahart, S.J.: "We can all take pride that the man who is probably the most trusted person in the United States is a graduate of a Jesuit high school and a Jesuit college." Here
January 26, 2021: Forbes reported that Dr. Fauci is the highest paid individual in the US Government
Post by Entendance on Jun 17, 2021 5:33:24 GMT -5
Vatican Warns U.S. Bishops: Don’t Deny Biden Communion Over Abortion
Joe Biden nei primi mesi della sua attività di presidente degli Stati uniti d’America ha messo in atto tutta una serie di misure – accompagnate da dichiarazioni egualmente esplicite – a favore dell’aborto, della sua diffusione non solo negli Stati Uniti ma in tutto il mondo. Joe Biden si dichiara – o almeno così lo descrivono i suoi press agent – un devoto cattolico. Un cattolico, devoto o meno, può avvicinarsi all’eucarestia, se promuove attivamente quello che appare come uno dei crimini più efferati, l’uccisione di un bambino nel grembo della madre? Biden sostiene personalmente di essere contro l’aborto; ma che cosa importa quello che pensa “personalmente”, se poi pubblicamente si dà da fare in maniera senza precedenti a favore, e capovolge tutte le misure prese a favore della vita dal suo predecessore? I vescovi USA discuteranno del problema dell’eucarestia, e dell’aborto, e dei cattolici che vogliono l’una e l’altro come se non ci fosse contraddizione. Se dalla discussione uscisse una presa di posizione forte, logica e ferma, personaggi di primo piano come Joe Biden e la speaker della Camera, Nancy Pelosi, forsennatamente pro-aborto e che si definisce cattolica, potrebbero trovarsi in grave difficoltà. Il New York Times, l’house-organ dei democratici, in un articolo di qualche giorno fa ha scritto che la Santa Sede avrebbe ammonito i vescovi statunitensi a frenare su questo tema. Non ci sono conferme, ma il quotidiano newyorchese ha sentito il direttore di Civiltà Cattolica, il pro-dem (in Italia e in USA) gesuita Antonio Spadaro, secondo cui ”La preoccupazione in Vaticano è di non usare l’accesso all’Eucarestia come arma politica”. Il New York Times spiega che Antonio Spadaro, è “molto vicino al pontefice”; in realtà Spadaro è uno degli spin doctors della comunicazione vaticana, e uno dei consigliori del Pontefice regnante.Cioè, in pratica, la Santa Sede – secondo il New York Times, consiglierebbe ai vescovi di non seguire logica, coerenza e dottrina. Sbalordisce – ma non più di tanto, per chi conosce il livello di ipocrisia che alligna fra i chierici, e fra i chierici politicanti soprattutto, che non si dica una parola della vera strumentalizzazione: quella di chi, per avere voti e preferenze, si dichiara cattolico, salvo poi comportarsi in maniera totalmente opposta, stabilmente, continuativamente e pubblicamente contro ciò che la Chiesa insegna e predica, in un campo di estrema gravità come l’aborto. L’inflazionata e pretestuosa accusa dell’uso dell’Eucaristia come “arma politica” è stata respinta con forza da diversi vescovi, tra cui la voce autorevole dell’arcivescovo metropolita di San Francisco, mons. Salvatore Cordileone, che ha ribadito: “Il nostro obiettivo deve essere sempre la salvezza delle anime, sia quella della persona errante che della più ampia comunità cattolica”. E l’arcivescovo metropolita di Denver, mons. Samuel Aquila, ha affrontato la questione sulla rivista dei gesuiti America, sostenendo che la Chiesa “deve essere disposta a sfidare i cattolici che persistono nel peccato grave”. Ricordiamo al riguardo la Nota riservata dell’allora cardinale Joseph Ratzinger, Prefetto della congregazione per la Dottrina della Fede, quando si discuteva dello stesso argomento nel caso del candidato democratico alla Casa Bianca John Kerry: dove si legge che aborto e eutanasia sono “peccati gravi” e un vescovo dovrebbe incontrare chi vota e sostiene “leggi permissive” per informarlo che “non si deve presentare per la Santa Comunione fino a che non avrà posto termine all’oggettiva situazione di peccato, e avvertirlo che altrimenti gli sarà negata l’eucaristia”. Allora, sotto spinta dell’allora cardinale Eugene McCarrick, la Conferenza Episcopale Americana decise di ignorare la lettera del cardinal Ratzinger e di affidare la decisione ad ogni singolo vescovo per la sua diocesi.
Post by Entendance on Jun 22, 2021 0:27:29 GMT -5
Pope’s Letter to Martin opens the Great Reset of the Church. Away with Sin
Der Brief des Papstes an Martin eröffnet den großen Reset der Kirche. Weg mit der Sünde
Macron, Biden, Conte, De Mistura, Clinton, Fauci, Monti, Draghi, Ciampi, Van Rompuy, Barroso, Rutelli, Mattarella, Jerome Powell, DeGennaro, Fassino Abete, Montezemolo, De Rita, Padellaro & many others/tanti altri*** We are all Jesuits
"A virtually unregulated investment firm today exercises more political and financial influence than the Federal Reserve and most governments on this planet. The firm, BlackRock Inc., the world’s largest asset manager, invests a staggering $9 trillion in client funds worldwide, a sum more than double the annual GDP of the Federal Republic of Germany. This colossus sits atop the pyramid of world corporate ownership, including in China most recently. Since 1988 the company has put itself in a position to de facto control the Federal Reserve, most Wall Street mega-banks, including Goldman Sachs, the Davos World Economic Forum Great Reset, the Biden Administration and, if left unchecked, the economic future of our world. BlackRock is the epitome of what Mussolini called Corporatism, where an unelected corporate elite dictates top down to the population..."
Post by Entendance on Jul 4, 2021 9:44:59 GMT -5
"Fedeli si, ma scemi no."
Post by Entendance on Jul 9, 2021 5:51:57 GMT -5
"What do you think of Pope Francis’s support for Father James Martin? The LGBTQ+ ideology and the gender theory that it presupposes as its postulate represent a mortal threat for our entire society, the family, the human person, and also obviously for the Church, because they dissolve the social body, relations between its members, and the very concept of the biological reality of the sexes, which is arbitrarily changed to each person’s questionable and variable subjective self-perception based on gender. Many do not realize the chaos this will cause not only in civil and family habits but in religious ones as well, as soon as recognition of the LGBTQ+ movement inevitably leads to people with what may be defined as gender dysphoria demanding to be welcomed in parishes and communities. An emblematic example could be the case of a man ordained as a priest who at a certain point believes that he identifies as a woman: should we prepare for the eventuality of seeing Mass celebrated by a trans-sexual or a transvestite? And how can we reconcile the persistent existence of the male chromosome – which indefectibly defines the matter of the Sacrament of Holy Orders – with the appearances of a woman? What should we think about the case of a nun who, developing a male self-perception, demands to be transferred to a religious community of men and perhaps even to receive Holy Orders? This delusion, whose consequences are absurd and disturbing in the civil sphere, if applied to the religious sphere, would inflict a mortal blow on the already tortured ecclesial body. We must consider the reasons that have led a personality like James Martin, S.J., to enjoy such notoriety and visibility in the ecclesial sphere and even in the Roman institutions, receiving an appointment as a Consultor of the Dicastery for Communications and recently being the recipient of a hand-written letter from Bergoglio. His ostentatious commitment in support of the pan-sexualist movement effectively offers considered and acritical support for an unlimited series of sexual variations and perversions. Such a priori adhesion is not the deplorable excess of a single Jesuit but represents the planned action of an ideological vanguard that has already proven to be uncontrollable and capable of orienting the very “Magisterium” of Bergoglio and his court..." Viganò: Cardinals Cupich, Gregory and Tobin are Unworthy to Celebrate Mass"...Cosa pensa del sostegno di Papa Francesco a padre James Martin?
L’ideologia LGBTQ+ e la teoria gender che essa presuppone come proprio postulato rappresentano una minaccia mortale per l’intera società, la famiglia, la persona e ovviamente la Chiesa, perché dissolvono il corpo sociale, le relazioni tra i suoi membri e lo stesso concetto di realtà biologica dei sessi, arbitrariamente spostata sulla opinabile e variabile percezione soggettiva di sé basata sul genere. Molti non si rendono conto del caos che tutto questo causerà non solo in abito civile e familiare, ma anche religioso, non appena il riconoscimento del movimento LGBTQ+ porterà inevitabilmente a dover accogliere nelle parrocchie e nelle comunità persone che presentano quella che viene definita disforia di genere. Un esempio emblematico potrebbe essere il caso di un uomo ordinato sacerdote che ad un certo punto creda di potersi identificare con una donna: dobbiamo prepararci all’eventualità di vedere celebrata la Messa da un transessuale o da un travestito? e come conciliare il permanere del cromosoma maschile – che definisce indefettibilmente la materia del Sacramento dell’Ordine – con le apparenze di una donna? come pensare al caso di una monaca che, sviluppando una percezione di sé maschile, pretenda di essere trasferita in una comunità religiosa di uomini e magari di ricevere gli Ordini Sacri? Questo delirio, le cui conseguenze sono assurde e sconvolgenti nell’ambito civile, una volta applicato all’ambito religioso infliggerebbe un colpo mortale al già martoriato corpo ecclesiale. Si dovrebbe considerare la ragione che ha portato un personaggio come James Martin s.j. a godere di una tale notorietà e visibilità in ambito ecclesiale e addirittura nelle istituzioni romane, ricevendo la nomina a consultore del Dicastero per le Comunicazioni ed essendo recentemente destinatario di una lettera manoscritta di Bergoglio. Il suo ostentato impegno in favore del movimento pansessualista costituisce l’approvazione preventiva e acritica di una serie indefinita di declinazioni delle perversioni sessuali. Tale aprioristica adesione non è il deprecabile eccesso di un singolo gesuita, ma rappresenta l’azione pianificata di un’avanguardia ideologica che dimostra di essere già oggi incontrollabile e capace di orientare lo stesso “magistero” di Bergoglio e della sua corte..." Viganò: i Cardinali Cupich, Gregory e Tobin sono Indegni di Celebrare la Messa
Post by Entendance on Jul 15, 2021 3:04:04 GMT -5
September 28, 2021
"...It would not be surprising then that the international banking establishment would use France’s Macron to ‘put the idea on the table’ calling for IMF gold sales...Lagarde continues to have influence in Europe and France as current head of the European Central Bank (ECB). The Strauss-Kahn also continues to have influence in global gold market’s with DSK’s sister-in-law, Isabelle Strauss-Kahn, currently on the board of directors of the LBMA in London. But to what end? Official sector gold sales, be it by the IMF or by central banks, are often pitched by the mainstream financial media (and interpreted by market algos) as being negative for gold. IMF gold sales, or even talk of IMF gold sales, will tend to be a factor that the mainstream financial media and the paper gold establishment (World Gold Council and LBMA) will try to milk in order to conjure up caution in gold markets that there is an ‘overhang’ of physical gold sales which are ‘holding back’ the gold price. When in fact it is the very structure of fractionally-backed (unallocated and gold futures trading) that is actually ‘holding back’ the price. But talk of IMF gold sales or even news of actual sales only ‘fools’ the market for so long. It is therefore more realistic to assume that Macron is calling for IMF gold sales because that physical gold is needed elsewhere, be it bullion bank bailouts for repaying central bank gold loans, or redistribution of monetary gold behind the scenes to recipients such as China..." Ronan Manly: Has Macron’s call for new IMF Gold Sales been slapped down?
In case you missed it:
‘The pass shall not pass!’ Protesters take to streets across France after Macron drops vaccine passport bombshell (PHOTOS, VIDEO)
Macron, Biden, Conte, De Mistura, Clinton, Fauci, Monti, Draghi, Ciampi, Van Rompuy, Barroso, Rutelli, Mattarella, Jerome Powell, DeGennaro, Fassino, Abete, Montezemolo, De Rita, Padellaro, Sansonetti & many others/ tanti altri***We are all Jesuits
Ask yourself why there are so many Jesuit-trained world leaders from Georgetown University...
Buying physical Gold & Silver is by far the greatest act of rebellion any human being can and should be doing right now. Any excuse will serve a tyrant. E.
Post by Entendance on Jul 21, 2021 10:40:35 GMT -5
Post by Entendance on Jul 23, 2021 10:56:31 GMT -5
John Zmirak Published on July 23, 2021:
Post by Entendance on Aug 10, 2021 11:52:18 GMT -5
August 10, 2021Pope Met With Rwandan Refugee Responsible For Killing Priest, Burning Down Cathedral During 2016 Photo-Op
Karl Denninger:
Why You CANNOT Take In Refugees
"It's not about being mean or any such thing. It's more-fundamental than that.
Look at what's going on in Venezuela right now. Rather than fight people are fleeing over the border claiming they must go because life in Venezuela has become intolerable and it will be better somewhere else. Sorry, but nope, that's not what's going to happen.
The people who live there caused the situation there. They voted for it originally and they demanded it. They wanted socialism, demanded it, accepted it, and they got it. It blew up their nation despite Venezuela being one of the richest nations in the world when it comes to natural resources. Rather than go take care of business (yes, I understand that could get nasty) they now want to run away -- but the problem is that they're bringing their culture and demands to be taken care of with them into the other place.
The correct answer to such is for all of Venezuela's bordering nations to seal their border with their military -- and yes, I do mean shoot anyone who tries to illegally cross out of Venezuela. However, at the same time, the humanitarian thing to do is to hand out, at the border, rifles and boxes of ammunition to all who wish to take them and turn them inward, deposing those who are causing the problem. In the end all government exists only with the consent of the governed. That principle is tested to some degree when the oppressed have no weapons but that problem is easily fixed. I'm perfectly good with arming any of the people (not the military) in any of these nations; fly over them and drop crates of guns under parachutes out the back of a C130 if you want. That works perfectly well for me. Arm the people and tell them to go home and take care of business.
If they won't do it then while it's very sad you cannot take them in. The simple fact of the matter is that the policies, politicians and problems in these nations exist because of the people who live in them. Yes, those people may have made grave errors (such as giving up their weapons or never insisting on a 2nd Amendment style protection in the first place) but those errors are repairable at low cost. What cannot be fixed by anyone else is attitude and determination. That has to come from within, and if it does come from within then those people can, should and indeed must take back their own nation. If they won't then all those people seek is worse than a hand-out -- they will come into your nation and demand the same policies that blew up theirs. That makes them invaders and if that's what they are you must repel them and prohibit their entry into your nation with whatever force is necessary. People in this situation always have more to gain -- and lose -- in their own home country. If you let them in you are bailing them out, inviting in an invading force and confirming that after they turned their own country into a ****hole through their own action and inaction they now have your permission to turn another nation into a ****hole -- YOURS!"
***Grasping For Salvation: Italia
Post by Entendance on Aug 20, 2021 3:19:41 GMT -5
Post by Entendance on Aug 25, 2021 2:29:30 GMT -5
A chi credere dei due?
Post by Entendance on Sept 5, 2021 6:34:24 GMT -5