Post by Fred on May 3, 2015 17:00:25 GMT -5
Post by Entendance on Apr 30, 2016 10:50:58 GMT -5
Post by Entendance on Nov 24, 2016 6:37:46 GMT -5
Post by Entendance on Sept 14, 2017 16:30:35 GMT -5
"Imagine being a child, and having the intense feelings that all children have. Yet your parents don’t seem to notice. Imagine that your parents seldom ask you what’s bothering you, or why you seem sad, or upset, or angry. Imagine being told, “You’re too sensitive,” when your feelings are hurt. Imagine knowing that your emotions are more than your parents can handle. What would you do?
You would receive the powerful CEN message, “Your feelings don’t matter,” as all CEN children do.
To relieve your parents and yourself, you would push the most deeply personal, biological expression of who you are, your emotions, away. You would build an internal “wall” to keep them away, to protect your family and yourself from them. You would experience your own feelings as harmful, not helpful. They may even become your secret shame.
And so you go forward, into adolescence and adulthood, and out into the world on your own, deprived of the richest, most valuable source of connection, guidance, motivation, and meaning that exists. The stage is set..." ***The Unseen Root of Many Disorders:***Childhood Emotional Neglect
***7 Signs You Grew Up With Childhood Emotional Neglect
***Don't Get Hooked
Post by Entendance on Oct 14, 2017 2:58:29 GMT -5
Law I—Images or mental pictures and ideas tend to produce the physical conditions and the external acts that correspond to them. Law II—Attitudes, movements, and actions tend to evoke corresponding images and ideas; these, in turn (according to the next law) evoke or intensify corresponding emotions and feelings. Law III—Ideas and images tend to awaken emotions and feelings that correspond to them. Law IV—Emotions and impressions tend to awaken and intensify ideas and imagesthat correspond to or are associated with them. Law V—Needs, urges, drives, and desires tend to arouse corresponding images,ideas, and emotions.Images and ideas, in turn (according to Law I) prompt thecorresponding actions. Law VI—Attention, interest, affirmations, and repetitions reinforce theideas, images, and psychological formations on which they are centered. Law VII—Repetition of actions intensifies the urge to further reiteration and renders their execution easier and better, until they come to be performed unconsciously. Law VIII—All the various functions, and their manifold combinations in complexes and subpersonalities, adopt means of achieving, their aims without our awareness, and independently of, and eve) against, our conscious will. Law IX—Urges, drives, desires, and emotions tend and demand to be expressed. Law X—The psychological energies can find expression: I. directly (discharge—catharsis) 2. indirectly, through symbolic action 3. through a process of transmutation...-***Roberto Assagioli
***Cognitive Dissonance
***The Year of Reckoning
***Financial Markets & Corporations
***Jesuits & Immigration
Post by Entendance on Nov 3, 2017 11:46:17 GMT -5
These people worship power and money. They massacre people for land, resources, markets.....religion is a figment of their victim's imaginations. We pray, they slay...They do not care what comes next, they rule in the here and now. It has to implode on it's own saturation point of decadence.
An orgy in Imperial Rome, by Henryk Siemiradzki
While we are all susceptible to the trappings of self betterment and even greed, some of us fall further from grace and crave the power or the good standing of those in power. All of this has happened before, and it will all happen again. -Entendance & Tom from Florida
Jun 5, 2015 ***Powerful People Are Sensitive to Unfairness—If They're the Victims
April 2, 2012 The True Slave The Facts Lose Value The Obsession With The Law The Need To Be Accepted The Need For Control The Need For Structure The Need For Vindication ***Understanding the slave menthality***
"I believe all suffering is caused by ignorance. People inflict pain on others in the selfish pursuit of their happiness or satisfaction. Yet true happiness comes from a sense of inner peace and contentment, which in turn must be achieved through the cultivation of altruism, of love and compassion and elimination of ignorance, selfishness and greed." -Tenzin Gyatso, 14th Dalai Lama
The Entendance Beach &***The Slave Mentality Updated
Sistine Chapel Ceiling: The Prophet Jeremiah by Michelangelo Buonarroti
5 Così dice il Signore: "Maledetto l'uomo che confida nell'uomo, che pone nella carne il suo sostegno e dal Signore si allontana il suo cuore. 6 Egli sarà come un tamerisco nella steppa, quando viene il bene non lo vede; dimorerà in luoghi aridi nel deserto, in una terra di salsedine, dove nessuno può vivere. 7 Benedetto l'uomo che confida nel Signore e il Signore è sua fiducia. 8 Egli è come un albero piantato lungo l'acqua, verso la corrente stende le radici; non teme quando viene il caldo, le sue foglie rimangono verdi; nell'anno della siccità non intristisce, non smette di produrre i suoi frutti. 9 Più fallace di ogni altra cosa è il cuore e difficilmente guaribile; chi lo può conoscere? 10 Io, il Signore, scruto la mente e saggio i cuori, per rendere a ciascuno secondo la sua condotta, secondo il frutto delle sue azioni." -Geremia 17,5-10
5 This is what the Lord says: “Cursed is the one who trusts in man, who draws strength from mere flesh and whose heart turns away from the Lord. 6 That person will be like a bush in the wastelands; they will not see prosperity when it comes. They will dwell in the parched places of the desert, in a salt land where no one lives. 7 “But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. 8 They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.” 9 The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it? 10 “I the Lord search the heart and examine the mind, to reward each person according to their conduct, according to what their deeds deserve.” -Jeremiah 17:5-10
Post by Entendance on Jul 26, 2018 6:43:04 GMT -5
quote by Marriner Eccles (FED chair from 1934-1948) in a comment to a 10/25 article in ft.com: " As mass production has to be accompanied by mass consumption, mass consumption, in turn, implies a distribution of wealth ... to provide men with buying power. ... Instead of achieving that kind of distribution, a giant suction pump had by 1929-30 drawn into a few hands an increasing portion of currently produced wealth. ... The other fellows could stay in the game only by borrowing. When their credit ran out, the game stopped." H/T Tom from Florida
Post by Entendance on Aug 7, 2018 4:58:03 GMT -5
"This is about a once free society that is becoming more Orwellian with each passing day.
Now that they have come for Alex Jones, they aren’t going to stop.
It might not be tomorrow, but eventually they are going to come for you." Here here & here
Post by Entendance on Oct 28, 2018 13:14:43 GMT -5
“It’s not hard to spiral down” -Hiram Bullock September 11, 1955 July 25, 2008
Hiram passed away on July 25th 2008 in NYC, few days after a concert in Italy, at the age of 52. Bullock had been fighting a tumor in his throat since January 2008. His years of heavy drug use must have taken a toll. In 2007 he said on his now nuked website that he paid a high price, emotionally, spiritually, and physically from all the years of abuse. Quote " It's an ass kicker ".
The Entendance Beach & Hiram Bullock
Hiram Bullock & James Brown
Post by Entendance on Dec 13, 2018 9:08:57 GMT -5
The Truth About Holiday Spirits
“Reality is far more vicious than Russian roulette. First, it delivers the fatal bullet rather infrequently, like a revolver that would have hundreds, even thousands of chambers instead of six. After a few dozen tries, one forgets about the existence of a bullet, under a numbing false sense of security. Second, unlike a well-defined precise game like Russian roulette, where the risks are visible to anyone capable of multiplying and dividing by six, one does not observe the barrel of reality. One is capable of unwittingly playing Russian roulette – and calling it by some alternative ‘low risk’ game.” ― Nassim Nicholas Taleb, Fooled by Randomness: The Hidden Role of Chance in Life and in the Markets
Post by Entendance on Apr 11, 2019 5:27:25 GMT -5
Post by Entendance on May 13, 2019 7:37:53 GMT -5
"...Now, if you look at the behavior of Jeff Bezos, who exploits his employees and destroys his competitors, and who some experts say is trying to take over the underlying infrastructure of our entire economy, you can feel reasonably confident that this man has no intention of leaving “this unique gem of a planet”, nor of having the heirs to his empire leave either. When you see this Pentagon advisory board member and CIA contractor planning to ship humans off the Earth’s surface so the planet can thrive, you may be certain that he’s talking about other humans. The unworthy ones. The ones who weren’t sociopathic enough to climb the capitalist ladder by stepping on the backs of everyone else... And make no mistake, when Bezos talks about saving the planet for “our grandchildren’s grandchildren”, he’s not just talking about his heirs, he’s talking about himself. Bezos has invested large amounts of wealth in biotech aimed at reversing the aging process and cracking the secret of immortality. This is the sort of guiding wisdom that is controlling the fate of our species, everyone. The world’s most ambitious plutocrat envisions a world in which, rather than evolving beyond our destructive tendencies and learning to live in collaboration with each other and our environment, we are simply shipped off into space so that he can stretch out and enjoy our beautiful planet. That’s his best idea. Our plutocratic overlords aren’t just sociopaths. They’re morons.
Bezos’ incredibly shallow vision for humanity reminds me of something Julian Assange said at a 2017 London festival via video link about the way Silicon Valley plutocrats are trying to become immortal by finding a way to upload their brains onto computers. “I know from our sources deep inside those Silicon Valley institutions, they genuinely believe that they are going to produce artificial intelligences that are so powerful, relatively soon, that people will have their brains digitized, uploaded on these artificial intelligences, and live forever in a simulation, therefore will have eternal life,” Assange said. “It’s a religion for atheists. They’ll have eternal life, and given that you’re in a simulation, why not program the simulation to have endless drug and sex orgy parties all around you. It’s like the 72 virgins, but it’s like the Silicon Valley equivalent.”... Bezos Reveals His Ugly Vision For The World He’s Trying To Rule
Post by Entendance on Jun 12, 2019 7:32:03 GMT -5
Nessun risultato senza preparazione V No result without preparation Chapter V
Chiacchere narcotizzanti/Narcotizing Chats Come spiegò egregiamente Eric Berne nel 1954, il sistema si mantiene, e sopravvive egregiamente ad ogni tentativo di scalzarlo, attraverso ritualità e passatempi imposti ai più. Nella ritualità (celebrazioni, feste religiose e non, anniversari privati e collettivi) il sistema impone cosa pensare e che stato d'umore avere. Nei passatempi (tv, farcebook e simili, smartphone, giochi, politica, sports) trova il suo migliore alleato per distogliere i più da CONCENTRAZIONE - CONVERGENZA - ATTENZIONE - FOCALIZZAZIONE. Poiché però la situazione media dei più sul pianeta si è fatta rapidamente precaria e difficile, di pari passo, se non a passo di carica, si diffonde la malattia mentale. Ne sono vittima sia gli oppressori che gli oppressi, ma con sfumature ben diverse: i primi, mediamente sociopatici e narcisisti, cadono nel delirio d'onnipotenza mentre si contorcono alla ricerca di maggior potere e controllo di ruolo. Gli oppressi sono, mediamente e quando va bene, in preda alla depressione, generata dall'impossibilità di ottenere la gratificazione immediata ( che il sistema gli muove davanti a mò di carota per le pecore) e finiscono, come anche gli oppressori, negli psicofarmaci e in qualunque sostanza o ritualità impedisca o distolga dal pensare allo stato di malessere interiore e di relazione. Rinuncia e boicottaggio giornaliero divengono così l'unica vera difesa al montare dell'insanità collettiva, attendendo il reset. Se amiamo noi stessi e teniamo alla nostra igiene mentale dire no è prioritario. Specialmente NO all'ascolto dei potenti quando cercano di blandire il gregge attraverso le loro chiacchere narcotizzanti. Ognuno perciò si esamini e comprenda quando cade preda di dissonanza cognitiva. Perché? Il club di Dunning-Kruger è sempre in cerca di nuovi membri. E. Update: puntuale, arriva la conferma di quanto ho scritto sopra: qui. Meditate e agite.
The complete "Nessun Risultato Senza Preparazione" topic is here
Post by Entendance on Feb 27, 2020 4:14:25 GMT -5
“It isn't that they can't see the solution. It is that they can't see the problem.” -Gilbert K. Chesterton
"One of the frightening conclusions we have is that what separates honest people from not-honest people is not necessarily character, it's opportunity"
Post by Entendance on May 4, 2020 6:52:43 GMT -5
"May 1st was my last day as a VP and Distinguished Engineer at Amazon Web Services, after five years and five months of rewarding fun. I quit in dismay at Amazon firing whistleblowers who were making noise about warehouse employees frightened of Covid-19. What with big-tech salaries and share vestings, this will probably cost me over a million (pre-tax) dollars, not to mention the best job I’ve ever had, working with awfully good people. So I’m pretty blue. What happened..." BYE, AMAZON
"...Now, if you look at the behavior of Jeff Bezos, who exploits his employees and destroys his competitors, and who some experts say is trying to take over the underlying infrastructure of our entire economy, you can feel reasonably confident that this man has no intention of leaving “this unique gem of a planet”, nor of having the heirs to his empire leave either. When you see this Pentagon advisory board member and CIA contractor planning to ship humans off the Earth’s surface so the planet can thrive, you may be certain that he’s talking about other humans. The unworthy ones. The ones who weren’t sociopathic enough to climb the capitalist ladder by stepping on the backs of everyone else... And make no mistake, when Bezos talks about saving the planet for “our grandchildren’s grandchildren”, he’s not just talking about his heirs, he’s talking about himself. Bezos has invested large amounts of wealth in biotech aimed at reversing the aging process and cracking the secret of immortality. This is the sort of guiding wisdom that is controlling the fate of our species, everyone. The world’s most ambitious plutocrat envisions a world in which, rather than evolving beyond our destructive tendencies and learning to live in collaboration with each other and our environment, we are simply shipped off into space so that he can stretch out and enjoy our beautiful planet. That’s his best idea. Our plutocratic overlords aren’t just sociopaths. They’re morons.
Bezos’ incredibly shallow vision for humanity reminds me of something Julian Assange said at a 2017 London festival via video link about the way Silicon Valley plutocrats are trying to become immortal by finding a way to upload their brains onto computers. “I know from our sources deep inside those Silicon Valley institutions, they genuinely believe that they are going to produce artificial intelligences that are so powerful, relatively soon, that people will have their brains digitized, uploaded on these artificial intelligences, and live forever in a simulation, therefore will have eternal life,” Assange said. “It’s a religion for atheists. They’ll have eternal life, and given that you’re in a simulation, why not program the simulation to have endless drug and sex orgy parties all around you. It’s like the 72 virgins, but it’s like the Silicon Valley equivalent.”... Bezos Reveals His Ugly Vision For The World He’s Trying To Rule
Post by Entendance on May 10, 2020 3:47:38 GMT -5
Mental and spiritual preparation Chapter XXI
Post by Entendance on Jun 17, 2020 3:04:06 GMT -5
Post by Entendance on Sept 1, 2020 5:16:40 GMT -5
but that is only because evil always wins through the strength of its splendid dupes; and there has in all ages been a disastrous alliance between abnormal innocence and abnormal sin. -Eugenics and Other Evils By G.K. Chesterton
Post by Entendance on Apr 4, 2021 4:02:26 GMT -5
“The Vaccine Is Killing Me!” Facebook Fact-Checks Woman’s Post About Covid Vaccine Adverse Reaction… She DIED A WEEK LATER
April 4, 2021
"The official expert scientists in the ruling class have declared that getting COVID after being fully “vaccinated” with the experimental gene therapies is “expected.” Meaning these shots don’t work as vaccines and are being mislabeled.
Using all the buzzwords to get the brainwashed masses to believe they still need this vaccine, many missed reading between the lines. They have admitted now that the “vaccines” don’t protect against getting or spreading COVID-19. They have also admitted now that it is gene therapy, not a vaccine, and it will alter your genetic material..." Confirmed: COVID Cases AFTER “VACCINATION” Are “Expected”
Raúl Ilargi Meijer: "...If governments and their health boards like the CDC were actually interested in science, they would have campaigned starting a year or more ago, to boost the immune systems of their citizens. That is science. The impact of vitamin D on immune systems is science. The impact of healthy food is. The extra boost from ivermectin is. This could have saved millions of lives. But your government did none of all that, so you’re on your own. Follow the science, not your goverment. They’re potentially dangerous for you, as are the “vaccines”. And yes, we get the notion of “fatigued with pandemic restrictions”, but stop calling your political calculations vis a vis that, science."
Renowned radio host, filmmaker and book author, Steve Quayle, contends the evil elite have long warned about drastically reducing the global population. They even carved it into the infamous Georgia Guide Stones. It says the world should be comprised of only a half billion people, not the 7.9 billion living on the planet today. Quayle says the Covid-19 (CV-19) vaccines are part of the plan to kill off a stunningly large part of humanity. Quayle explains, “The bottom line is we are talking about the depopulation in the United States and the rest of the world in the order of 7.4 billion people. The population on earth right now is around 7.9 billion people. The question for the elite globalists that erected the Georgia Guide Stones is how are all those people going to die? That’s what I believe is happing right now. The globalists are initiating their ‘extinction protocols.’ This is why they would not settle for Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), zinc, vitamin D, Z-Pack and etcetera. (These are medically proven safe and effective ways to treat CV-19.) This did not fit the depopulation agenda. The lies on the narrative of the whole Covid-19 . . . bio weapon, the deaths will be eclipsed by the vaccinations. I don’t use the word vaccination because by the classic definition of vaccination, it does not fit. This is an injection of a DNA altering mutagenic substance using ‘messenger’ RNA. . . . The global depopulation is underway. We have so many events taking place in the purported vaccine. Women who are pregnant, who should not be taking vaccines, are reporting miscarriages. Little children are having obscene reactions, and now it’s come out that it is absolutely sterilizing the children. Sterilization of the planet goes right along with the ‘extinction protocols.’”
Quayle goes on to point out, “There is the Deagel Report, and John Deagel is a heavyweight in the Rockefeller Foundation, who have been on the cutting edge of depopulating the planet for 70 years at least. . . . John Deagel wrote a report, and it states in the year 2025, the population of the United States will be under 100 million (The U.S. is about 320 million now.) So, how are they going to kill all those people in the coming four years? This is real stuff, and these are their stated intentions. . . . This is the biggest psyop, the biggest mind melt and the most horrific control mechanism over the largest population of planet Earth ever with no real science behind it. . . . The real scientists are vilified, cut off and de-platformed. If they had the truth on their side, they would be open to discussion, and they are not.”
Quayle also says, “All these people do belong to a global occult elite. . . . They are anti-life and anti-birth. . . . They want to make sure you cannot reproduce because, hey, if they are spending all this money to kill off 7.4 billion people, then they can’t have these people to be able to reproduce anymore. . . .Madness has overtaken the country because you are not allowed to think. You are only allowed to see what the mainstream murderers, MSM, that’s what I call them, are telling you. . . . We will never get back to normal. Forget normal. . . .We are in the real presence of evil.”
In closing, Quayle says, “The hopelessness, despair and all the plans of the enemy fall away when you see Jesus. Jesus is the answer because he is the only one who ever told us all this stuff. The Book of Revelation is about the revelation of Jesus. When you know about the evil that’s coming, you can pray and prep. . . . Jesus said he would never leave us or forsake us. . . . I am telling people we are not without hope. Jesus says, and there is no greater promise, I am with you even until the end of the age. He didn’t say end of the world, He said end of the age. That’s what gives me great hope. This is why I am excited about Resurrection Sunday. . . . The days of taking the blessings of God for granted are coming to an end.”
Post by Entendance on Apr 8, 2021 9:27:17 GMT -5
Post by Entendance on Jun 10, 2021 4:14:57 GMT -5
Post by Entendance on Jul 25, 2021 11:41:54 GMT -5
Post by Entendance on Aug 4, 2021 12:13:27 GMT -5
Post by Entendance on Oct 16, 2021 2:11:30 GMT -5
Post by Entendance on Nov 23, 2021 6:17:24 GMT -5
"Back in the late 1990s, I once complained about the quality of the tap water to my German colleagues in Bonn, Germany. It was full of caulk. Disgusting. But they lectured me that the water was great and that it was full of caulk because it had to be reclaimed. Otherwise, we would run out of water. My mocking reaction that caulk is not water and that we were just a few miles from the massive Rhine river did not endear me to my colleagues. Everyone knew that everything German was world-class, except me, apparently.
I had an old Russian Jewish friend in Stuttgart back then with whom I often discussed cultural misunderstandings. She told me about an old anti-Jewish joke in Russia about tap water: "If there is no tap water, the Jews drank it all." The Jews were always a good target to deflect blame for the massive failures of European societies and their "Caesars" ("czars" and "kaisers"). My old friend had immigrated to Germany as a Jewish retiree-refugee about the same time I got a job there. She loved Germany, but she, sage that she was, always warned me (her so-called "adopted" non-Jewish son) that the political system and the human condition had not changed in Germany as much as everyone thought.
Memories of Germany came back to me when I recently read that Austria wants to remove the unvaccinated from society. Their crime? Killing the vaccinated with the disease that the vaccines protect the vaccinated from (sounds as logical as the tap water thing). I have not yet read that they want to kill anyone, but I am assuming they will remove them from society (concentrated in unvaccinated camps?) until they give in or have the jab forced on them. Will Austria's unvaccinated have to hide in secret compartments in private homes until the insanity has run its course?
The details of what I read made it sound as if the extreme measures in Austria were motivated more by a desire to hide the previous failures of the Austrian kaisers' COVID policies than to protect the people. As these COVID mandates start to look more like Frankenstein experiments gone wrong, those who mandated them will be looking for scapegoats — not unlike what happened with the failed economic management of the socialist governments in 1930s Austria and Germany. The reason the modern Austrian kaisers (and the American kaisers Biden and Fauci) can get away with increasing levels of COVID extremism is that many, perhaps a majority, of Good Austrians (and Good Americans) support such measures. I was rudely reminded of this during a recent phone call with an old American friend. I told her I would have to leave my job on January 4 because of Biden's COVID mandate. I expected sympathy, but she said nothing. The silence was her way of saying I deserved to lose my job because the unvaccinated like me (I had COVID) are responsible for the deaths of so many to COVID. Not her lifelong obesity or her husband's lifelong smoking habit that resulted in a debilitating stroke in his mid-50s. In her little Alice-in-Wonderland world, the Deep State can do no wrong. Why? The Deep State was her employer and allowed her to retire at 55 with full pay and benefits. Was she a firefighter, policewoman? No, she was a unionized teacher in a government-run school. A job that is so tough that you get to retire at 55. Her retirements benefits are fantastic. She even put her husband on her insurance. She fully supports the Deep State (not the deplorable taxpayers) that has given her all she has. When all this COVID stuff started, she rebuked me for suggesting that America's highest-paid bureaucrat (Kaiser Fauci) had created COVID by financing gain-of-function research in CCP bioweapon labs. She said, "I don't want to hear anything bad about my Fauci." She will never change her attitude about Fauci. She put her faith in and staked her reputation on the Deep State and will steadfastly insist that if things go wrong, then it is not the kaisers' fault. This mentality served her well throughout her life as a unionized government employee. She hated Trump, of course, because he was a threat to the Deep State teachers' union she belonged to. She says it's because Trump was such a crude man, but she sees nothing wrong whatsoever with anything Joe Biden and his family have done, or with the Democrat party's assaults on the pillars of the American way of life (which, of course, she is emphatically against, but still not against the Democrat party). Where are we all heading? Historians often ask the question "Why did most Germans follow Hitler, when resisting would have involved very little personal risk?" Well, genius historians, maybe because Adolf, the son of a successful Austrian government official, promised to maintain the German Deep State, the breadwinner for the vast army of German government employees and a lot of private German companies that depended on the Deep State (like munitions factories). And he convinced a critical mass of German deplorables to go along with his bizarre theories about the victimhood of the master race at the hands of inferior races (about as logical as vaccines that don't vaccinate), enabling professional and social isolation of anyone who questioned the "checked facts." One reason for the race now to vax as many as possible is to isolate those who don't want to "follow the science" — heretics like me, who never had a problem with eating (not injecting) thoroughly tested genetically modified foods but have a really big problem with injecting experimental genetic treatments into my own body. My comparisons to 1930s Germany may be stretching things, but don't underestimate where this could all lead. A lot of people like my American friend will support anyone who promises to save them from COVID (as long as those retirement checks keep coming in on time). And if the vaccines cause some as yet unknown health problems, then the kaisers and their bureaucratic armies will go to any lengths to deflect blame and maintain power (and again, my friend would totally support them, as long as those retirement checks come in on time). That means escalating failed policies (Fauci recently stated that children 6 months to 5 years old could be eligible for COVID-19 vaccination by spring) and finding the right scapegoats. During our 45-year friendship, I have out of polite respect never challenged the Alice-in-Wonderland political views of my American friend. But during our last phone call, I saw a side of her that I had never seen before. COVID has changed our world and has forced us to re-evaluate our cherished notions of the exceptional nature of those in the land of the free and home of the brave. My adoptive Jewish mother always stressed the importance of understanding the real motivations of people, never to underestimate what they are capable of. This current situation is being forced on us all by those getting rich and powerful thanks to the "vaccines." But this COVID storm will sooner or later pass. When humanity first encountered the cold/flu viruses, it must have been a lot worse than COVID. COVID will run its course and slowly disappear. Until then, stand firm. PS: The day I submitted this article to American Thinker, I read for the first time that the Republicans have embraced natural immunity as a valid COVID status. Of course, the AP reporter had to do the bidding of his masters (those getting rich and powerful thanks to the vaccines) by preaching at the end of the article about how natural immunity has so many limitations. (Nothing was said about vaccine limitations.) Don't be a sheep. Don't be lead around by the Pied Piper. Don't be blown around like grass in the wind (by the kaisers, MSM, Big Tech, Big Pharma, etc.). Stand firm."
Post by Entendance on Feb 7, 2022 11:42:29 GMT -5
Is deflation around the corner for investors? Geopolitics is becoming more and more decisive for daily events. Sweden fears an attack by Russia and it is indeed becoming more and more likely that at least Ukraine and Taiwan will be attacked. We are in a war cycle that will continue for years. Under these circumstances, stocks are holding up well so far, but confidence is fading and cracks in the bull market are beginning to appear. Investors are getting scared. Interest rate hikes are on the horizon in the U.S., but how likely is it that a textbook approach will be taken? The market and investors are addicted to cheap credit and its absence will lead to collapse. That said, long-term interest rates have probably seen their low, bond price declines and much more money creation are the likely result. The broad stock market, with exceptions, will not be a good investment either. Are we on course for a full deflationary panic, or is there more to the story? Egon von Greyerz sits down with Investor Talk to answer these questions and more.
Post by Entendance on Aug 15, 2022 10:53:19 GMT -5
Post by Entendance on Sept 12, 2022 10:55:13 GMT -5
April 8, 2020 (Dark Years Chapter III)
A Hyperinflationary Depression has always been the inevitable end to the biggest financial bubble in history. And this time it will be global. Hyperinflation will spread from country to country like Coronavirus. It could start anywhere but the most likely first countries are the US and the EU or ED (European Disunion) They will quickly be followed by many more like Japan and most developing countries. Like CV it will quickly jump from country to country with very few being spared.
Post by Entendance on Dec 28, 2022 6:00:39 GMT -5
The usurious elite that parasitizes the West and imposes the slavery of the peoples
Post by Entendance on Mar 17, 2023 11:15:07 GMT -5